Thursday, November 20, 2008

My mom is a little unstable

She is fixing my breakfast so I have to type fast. Mom is a little unstable. She is blogging now which takes too much time away from my needs. Me and my brother Matthew think she is too old to blog, but we only think that because the time she is blogging, she isn't cooking for us. Anyway, I'll be posting my picture soon so you can see how gorgeous I am. Oh and I read Roxxann's comment, I've seen Roxy, she's NOT a poodle. I havn't met Blue, her dauchsand, but I have smelled Mom after she's been with him, I don't think he bathes regularly. Gotta go, my Chicken and Rice are done.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I don't love all dogs

Poodles are at the bottom of the food chain, Great Danes are at the top. Roxxann made me say it. Even Ken Ham said that about poodles.


PAWlitically Correct

PAWlitically Correct
Imagine if Danes ran the country!

So, wuz up?

Bishop at 2 months

Bishop at 2 months
I took over the couch from day 1!

Bishop at the Purcell lake 2008

Bishop at the Purcell lake 2008
I just love to play in the water! ( I sure do hate my bath )

Apollo, Bishop's Daddy

Apollo, Bishop's Daddy

These were the good old days. THIS was my Mollygirl.

These were the good old days.  THIS was my Mollygirl.
Could you keep it down, I'm trying to sleep.

I miss her terribly. She loved to be next to me.